
Misconsidered Insularities

courtesy of Baobab van de Teranga

Saint Louis du Sénégal, 2022

Immersive Installation

Transformative waters :

echoes from Senegalese insular cosmologies


Transformative waters :

echoes from Senegalese insular cosmologies


Baobab van de Teranga

Tuesday, 5 July 2022

open all day



on the following day

with Baobab van de Teranga

on 6 July 2022

10:00 - 11:30 am

Location: University Theater

Immersive Installation:

Transformative waters :

echoes from Senegalese insular cosmologies

Baobab van de Teranga

Baobab van de Teranga invites us to reposition ourselves in the conversation with the oceans. It is not about contemplating water as an object, but about discussing what the ocean does to us, to what extent the ocean forges us, transforms us, to what extent our existences as well as that of the living, the tangible and the intangible, and the beings of survival are shaped, transformed, by the agentivity of the oceanic waters.

The installation displays oceanic conversations in multiple insular cosmologies from Sénégal. Allowing the audience to learn and reflect from these interactions, celebrations and considerations of Mame Coumba Bang, Mame Coumba Castel and other tutelary and protective geniuses,  inhabitants of Saint Louis, Gorée and the Sine Saloum islands reinforce the primacy of the agentivity of the oceans. This sensorial and visual arts proposal invites us to think of the world from the ocean, outside and beyond the narratives of blood and loss

Baobab van de Teranga (independent researcher, activist and curator Dakar, Senegal/Brussels, Belgium) interacts within a high density spectrum of practices valorizing  non–eurocentric and non–anthropocentric knowledge on how living entities relate in between  time, space, and waters. Weaving links throughout Africa, the Caribbean and Europe, Baobab van de Teranga understands her tangible self as a form of cultural hyphen. Using cartography as a visual and decolonial tool enabling circulation of knowledge and subversion of powers transiting from, within, beyond unconsidered territories and the academics, Baobab van de Teranga is now navigating in a transdisciplinary research aiming at listening oceans as echoes, oceans as a method. 




Video Installation: Yolande Harris